
Tips To Prevent Mold

No one wants to find mold in their home. Whether it is growing on food in the fridge, bathroom walls, or in your basement, mold is a problem. Mold spores can never truly be eradicated making it a severe problem when it comes to remediation. Mold is also capable of growing almost anywhere and spreads…
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How Does Lead Paint Sealant Work?

Lead-based paint poses a health risk to children and adults alike if the fumes and dust chips are either inhaled or ingested. In the late 1970s, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission established a limit on the level of lead that could be in paint. Encapsulants are materials that can be used to prevent exposure…
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Do All Homes Built Before 1978 Have Lead Paint?

In 1978' the United States federally banned the use of lead paint in building homes, offices, and other properties. Unfortunately, up until this point lead paint was one of the most commonly used products when building new homes. Even now in 2021, there is still a high risk of properties having lead paint. Compared to…
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