Category Archives: Mold

Mold In HVAC Systems: Everything You Need To Know

Mold In HVAC Systems: Everything You Need To Know HVAC systems, which stands for heating, ventilation, & air conditioning, are one of the most common areas for mold growth in homes and buildings. Due to their intricate design and the presence of moisture and organic matter within them, HVAC systems are highly susceptible to mold…
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Where Is Mold Most Commonly Found In Houses?

Where Is Mold Most Commonly Found In Houses? Mold is a fungal growth that thrives in damp places. When mold grows in your home, it can release spores into the air that can be inhaled by you and your family. When humans inhale mold spores, it can lead to a wide range of health effects,…
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Health Problems Caused By Mold Allergies

Health Problems Caused By Mold Allergies When a person has a mold allergy, their immune system overreacts when they inhale mold spores. Mold allergies can cause normal allergy symptoms like coughing, congestion, and itchy eyes, but they can also cause more serious problems like asthma attacks and breathing problems. Severe mold allergies can also lead…
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How Lead, Mold, & Asbestos In Your Home Can Cause Health Problems

How Lead, Mold, & Asbestos In Your Home Can Cause Health Problems The presence of lead, mold, and asbestos in your home can cause a wide range of serious health problems for you and your family. Because these hazards are either hard to spot or totally invisible, many homeowners forget to be cautious about them…
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